Soundtrack to this post: Shout
Earlier was a bit negative...seeing the pitfalls means nothing if you can see no further than the traps? You have to also see the light, the escape from the cave to make life tolerable and even enjoyable.
Pursue your goals. Do the things and hobbies that provide opportunity for personal growth and an insight into the world around you while meeting people of various backgrounds.
Mine has been fighting and finding my own personal limits, incrementally facing greater and greater challenges despite pre-conceived limiting self beliefs, fears, and doubt.
What is yours?
Life is about "living". Living involves blood, sweat, & tears.
Are you?
I've met a number of people over the years. They are melancholy. They don't see meaning in all the trad'l things. They doubt the whole system...but they stop short of the freedom that brings.
They have cast off the socialized values and beliefs....but stop 10 yards short of the true wealth waiting in store. They are free. Free to pursue things other than personal wealth/possessions. They are free to pursue the things no one can take from you...knowledge, experience, memory, knowing thyself.....
Life is about "living". Living involves blood, sweat, & tears.
Are you?
Yes, I’m doing a bootcamp with Broody
1 day ago
Living is dangerous, man.